Friday, May 18, 2018

Data Warehouse Design

Fact table name
Fact granularity
Brief justification
Details for--
-life time value


Time, Customer

Store, Time
-availability, Timing
Cost, Time
Details for -
-effect of total sales

Design feature
Brief justification
Additive Fact Table
The total in Hiring fact tables illustrate the total amount collected daily, weekly and monthly. The amount is deducted the expenses of all vehicles and vip cards.
The cost of sales in Store data mart shows the total money of the sales after a day, week, month and even years. Hence from the tables we can be able to determine the total amount received at a certain day, certain month and year. Hence the database can be searched using calendar.


The profit and total cost in promotion fact table which calculate the total expenses incurred during promotion time. Profit obtained after calculating the amount raised during promotion time compared to cost before and after promotion. The profit and cost are additive but the promotion occur at a given period of time.
Non-Additive Facts
The Age in Customer fact table cannot be added or deduct to determine the total age of the customers. To determine the group of the customers one will use ratios or range e.g. group1 contain age 0f 20 to 30.

Nulls in Fact Tables
Customer may hire vehicle with or without VIP card hence the VIP_id included in the hiring fact table might be null if customer does not hire using VIP cards. Hence a default number is inserted in case the VIP_id is empty.
Conformed Facts
The vehicle price before within and after promotion must be properly calculated. The promotion cost dimension in the promotion fact table ensures all three prices  can be traced.

Transaction Fact Tables
All the fact tables are transactional.
For customer fact table heavily depend on customer information to determine the group, the classes that is most active and life time value among others.
Promotion fact table must include the media company used, the media category and amount gained after using certain media.
Vehicle fact table must be able to determine available vehicles and determine if they meet the need of the customers.
Store fact table include the items available and the rate of buying during hiring. etc.
Hiring fact table must be able to trace customer, vehicle and mode of payments etc.
Booking fact table the customer and vehicle must verified e.g. c
Periodic Snapshot Fact Tables
The calendar dimension is the main granularity promotion, customer, hiring and booking fact tables heavily depend on it.
On the customer fact table will be able to determine the frequent customers and their recent time.
Promotion fact table need to mark start and end date and will be able to predict the certain when the profit was high or etc.
The period dimension is used to mark start and end dates for hiring vehicles and will reference it to calendar.

Fact less Fact Tables
In the hiring fact table, the status dimension enables to determine the initial and final status but it is not predictable as for example the damage might be small big or might not even occur at all. The probability might there no damage at all or very small which cannot be heavily dependent on incomes
Aggregate Fact Tables or Cubes
Foreign keys are included in each fact table to accelerate querying. For example, we might want to query the activities carried out at certain date. We will query the calendar for certain day and all information of the registered users, promotion included, the hired vehicles, the sales sold, the sold VIP cards and all transaction payments made. etc.

Dimension Table

Dimension Surrogate Keys
The items keys in the store fact table might follow certain order especially if they are using barcode reader which will identify item type, category and price. etc.
Natural, Durable, and Supernatural Keys
All fact tables primary keys are natural as they are created automatic with an incremental order inform of integers.

Degenerate Dimensions
The Hiring fact table contain return dimension which only contain primary key which can be used to calculate how many returns were made.
Customer might have hired many vehicles but will be referenced by that one return key just like an invoice
Deformalized Flattened Dimensions
The vehicle fact table contain vehicle
details which is  demoralized into vehicle name, model, category and manufacturer
Multiple Hierarchies in Dimensions
The Calendar dimension contain hierarchy of date, month and year where’s location dimension contagion hierarchy of city to state to country.
Hence queries can be done using parents country and year or their sub-child’s
Flags and Indicators as Textual Dimension Attributes
For example the vehicle dimension have vehicle name, vehicle, registration number, vehicle color which one can be able to understand even if viewed separate.
Calendar Date Dimensions
The calendar dimensions will allow easier querying of dates using day, month or even a year.
For example to determine type of car sold on certain date such as 12/05/2018.
Playing Dimensions

Calendar dimension represent a role playing dimension as a certain date can be included several times in the hiring fact table. For example, having different customers hiring vehicle at the same day. The date will be repeatedly included using their foreign key.
Junk Dimensions
The payment dimension represents the junk dimension as it combines all possible methods without separating them. e.g. using credit cards, cash on pay, bank cheese etc.
Value Chain
Each fact table represent the flow of hiring vehicle. The retailer ship vehicle to their destination stores, then customers hire the vehicles either by booking or registering direct. Payments are then made after hiring and the direct payments from sales.